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Le blog de Thomas DAVID

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  • Hobbytime; Execution Force

    28 juillet 2015 ( #Hobbytime )

    Salut les gens! C'est les vacances, tout le monde est à la plage alors j'en profite pour faire un petit article sur Execution Force que j'ai fini de peindre récemment pour avoir un jeu tout fini niveau "tabletop". Space Hulk est en cour depuis bientôt...

  • Kingdom Death; The Dragon Goblin!

    09 janvier 2017

    Hello everyone! Kingdom Death; Monster 1.5 Kickstarter is now over! After one day of rest it's time to share the BIGGEST (by far) monster I've ever made! This is the Goblin King, a creature so big and detailed (and so strange) that I spent 5 intense months...

  • Hobby time; Monster. Part 2

    03 décembre 2015

    Hello Everyone! Here's a second article to present new miniatures I've assembled and painted for Monster. First there's some "Rawhide People" with bone weapons and fur! There's a mix of different suits, the kits are excellent for creating unique minis!...

  • 15 Years of Kingdom Death!

    02 janvier 2025

    Hello everyone! Happy New Year! It's been a while since I wrote an article on this little blog. This month is the 15th anniversary of my collaboration with Adam Poots! It all started at the end of 2009 and I finished my first project on January 2010!...


    24 août 2017

    Hello everyone! Between the 16th and the 22th of August this year I travelled to Indianapolis (US). I was at Gencon 50, a 4 days of gaming convention! The 16th was a special birthday for me, the longer of my life. 30 hours with the jet lag! Except I spend...

  • Kingdom Death, News from the Kickstarter

    27 novembre 2020

    Hello friends! Today a BIG update as been revealed from Kingdom Death's Kickstarter! Here's a link to the Kickstarter page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/poots/kingdom-death-monster-15/posts/3032653 If you don't want to spend an hour reading all...

  • Hobby time; Monster. Part 6

    12 décembre 2016

    THE FOREST WANTS WHAT IT WANTS Hello everyone! It's time to share new monsters painted for my game. Here's the three monsters that can be encountered in or near the forest. You've allready seen the Flower Knight. La forêt veut ce qu'elle veut! Salut tout...

  • Kingdom Death; The Witch Disciples

    03 novembre 2015

    Bonjour tout le monde! Nouvel article dans la série Kingdom Death. Aujourd'hui je peux vous montrer deux figurines qui ont été très sympa à faire, Les Witch Disciples (les disciples de la sorcière). Elles sortent des sentiers battus, ce ne sont pas des...

  • Back from Gencon 2019

    08 août 2019

    Hello everyone! I'm back from Gencon 2019 Indianapolis where A LOT of my recent works were revealed! Here's the HEAVY news! Bonjour à tous! Je suis de retour de la Gencon 2019 Indianapolis ou BEAUCOUP de mes récentes sculptures ont été montrées! Voici...

  • Kingdom Death, Heavy White Knight and Apotheosis Gods

    01 juin 2015

    Bonjour tout le monde! Nouvel article dans la série Kingdom Death avec aujourd'hui trois nouveautés à vous présenter! Cela fait un moment que je dois faire cet article mais j'ai été très occupé dans mon travail. Je commence avec les Apotheosis sortis...

  • Hobby time (is it really?); Monster.

    22 octobre 2015

    Hello everyone! It's been a while without news! Today I start to show you my personal miniatures for Monster the boardgame! I've played the first story and painted the minis for this game; the White Lion and the starting survivors! After the bases made...

  • Kingdom Death; Scissor Knight

    25 septembre 2018

    Hello everyone! Even if I do some digital work now I still sculpt traditionaly now and then! Here's a Miniature done last year for Kingdom Death! The Scissor Knight. Now it's pretty common I have to do big monsters and this one is on the average. It's...

  • Kingdom Death; The Sci-Fi Flower Knight.

    17 août 2016

    Hello everyone! It's the middle of the summer and holidays are finished. Kingdom Death was at Gencon 2016 with new releases including the Sci-Fi Flower Knight I made last summer. It's a very thin and elegant miniature at a first look but the details are...

  • Hobbytime; Warmachine: Iron Mother et Prime Axiom

    17 juin 2015

    Hello! Aujourd'hui je prends le temps de poster des photos de l' association que j'aime appeler la "Belle et la Bête". Pas que je sois un inconditionnel du Disney mais je trouve que ça va bien pour L'Iron Mother et le Prime Axiom dans le même message....

  • Kingdom Death; The Last Bard.

    01 août 2017

    Hello everyone! It's summer, a lot of you are on holidays and me I'm back to work. So it's time to write a little article. Last weekend Kingdom Death released a miniature I've done at the begining of the year. The Last Bard. It's been a big challenge...

  • Kingdom Death; The Oblivion Mosquito!

    30 mai 2017

    Hello! And the day after I'm back again! Whooo! Today I'm very proud to share some pics of the latest project I've done for Kingdom Death! A big sculpture of a strange (again) monster; the Oblivion Mosquito! It's a 3 month work I've just finished. It's...

  • Agora Miniatures; The Muse of Death

    18 février 2015

    Bonjour à tous! Je suis de retour avec une nouvelle figurine pour ma gamme personnelle Agora Miniatures. 2014 a été une année très chargée et avec un nouveau né il a été trop dur de se concentrer sur des figurines personnelles le soir après le travail....


    28 mars 2019

    Hi everyone! Today is a special day. It's a milestone! I can finally show you my very first mini sculpted in digital. I enter a new era and I hope you'll enjoy this new way creating miniatures as much as me! I know I still have a lot to learn and I work...

  • Agora Miniatures; Ares

    10 mars 2016

    Bonjour à tous! Je suis de retour avec une nouvelle figurine pour ma gamme personnelle Agora Miniatures! Je suis très content de pouvoir vous montrer un nouveau dieu pour la gamme. Le grand Arès, dieu de la guerre et de la destruction! J'ai fais une figurine...

  • Hobby time; Monster. Part 5

    25 novembre 2016

    Hello everyone! Today, Adam Poots is launching his massive Monster 1.5 Kickstarter! It's time for me to share my latest survivors and my favorite KD Monster; The Flower Knight painted for my personal game! More will come during the campaign, there's a...

  • Kingdom Death; The Necromancer!

    29 mai 2017

    Hello! I'm back and I start this week with a new Monster done for Kingdom Death last year, the Necromancer! Exploring more iconic figures of fantasy with KD style is always interesting! And this Necromancer is big! 80mm to the top of the miniature. The...

  • Kingdom Death; The Great Game Hunter Doctors

    23 juin 2016

    Hello everyone! It's been a while without sharing some minis from Kingdom Death! Hopefully there's new releases this month of minis I've done last year! So today I start with the Great Game Hunter Doctors! I wouldn't like to be their patient! The minis...


    01 novembre 2018

    Hello Everyone! Last September I show you the Scissor Knight! It was a crazy project because the miniature was very tricky and detailed! But the real reason is because he wasn't alone! I made two minitures! And this one is the big one! Hum, the fat one...

  • Kingdom Death News!

    24 juillet 2023

    Hello Everyone! Summer time here so there's a bit of jetlag with Kingdom Death latest news! The last reveals on the store showed several sculpts I've done other the course of the last two years! We start with something back from the future! Adam Poots...

  • Kingdom Death; Aries

    03 avril 2018

    Hello eveyone! It's been a long time without news on this blog! I've been very busy but projects I've done are not released yet! For today it's a great pleasure to show you Aries, a big knight for Kingdom Death! It's a miniature I sculpted last year....

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