Hello everyone! Today I show you Aphrodite I sculpted for HYBRIS Disordered by Aurora Game Studio. It's a digital sculpt I made this year, realized for plastic engineering and adapted for the boardgame. I had a lot of pleasure sculpting this miniature,...
Hello everyone! Today I show you Athena I sculpted for a new game on Kickstarter, HYBRIS Disordered by Aurora Game Studio. It's a digital sculpt I made last year, realized for plastic engineering and adapted for the boardgame. I leaded the digital team...
Hi everyone! A quick news today. I can show you the Generic Elf as it's been released recently. It's a project I've done back in 2019! Done with Zbrush. See you soon! Salut tout le monde! Des nouvelles rapides aujourd'hui! Je peux aussi vous montrer l'Elfe...
Hello everyone! I'm back from Gencon 2019 Indianapolis where A LOT of my recent works were revealed! Here's the HEAVY news! Bonjour à tous! Je suis de retour de la Gencon 2019 Indianapolis ou BEAUCOUP de mes récentes sculptures ont été montrées! Voici...
Hi everyone! A quick news today. I'll be at Gencon Indianapolis this year on Kingdom Death Booth in a couple of days! Super excited to show you recent stuff! Come to see us we have a lot of things to share! Then I can show you the Hospitlar too as it's...
Hi everyone! Today is a special day. It's a milestone! I can finally show you my very first mini sculpted in digital. I enter a new era and I hope you'll enjoy this new way creating miniatures as much as me! I know I still have a lot to learn and I work...
Hello Everyone! Last September I show you the Scissor Knight! It was a crazy project because the miniature was very tricky and detailed! But the real reason is because he wasn't alone! I made two minitures! And this one is the big one! Hum, the fat one...
Bonjour à tous! Cette année je participe aux Utopiales lors d'une conférence le dimanche 4 Novembre à 13h, salle Hypérion. Nous évoquerons le corps (thème principal cette année) et sa miniaturisation. Les autres invités sont Mohand, Félix Jego, David...
Hello everyone! Even if I do some digital work now I still sculpt traditionaly now and then! Here's a Miniature done last year for Kingdom Death! The Scissor Knight. Now it's pretty common I have to do big monsters and this one is on the average. It's...
Heya Everyone! I 'm happy to share an important news! Since the begining of the year I've learned digital sculpt with Z-Brush. A special thanks to Edgar and Adam! The first one gave me lessons and the second one is supporting me in this new adventure!...